Pattaya Weather

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Pattaya Weather

Welcome to the Pattaya Weather website where I am building a small website detailing the weather and climate of Pattaya. A weather station located in the Pattaya area is in full operation giving real-time weather updates. It can be accessed using the menu bar above of the link above.

Due to reliability issues with a cheap weather station a better quality Davis Vantage Pro 2 station has been used since the 28th of November 2012.

Some raw data is available from the Contact page.

Current Pattaya Weather Conditions

For real-time weather conditions see the Pattaya Weather Station Data page.

 Conditions at local time 05:30 on 14 February 2025
 Temperature: 23.1 °C  Apparent Temperature: 28.1 °C
 Wind Speed (avg): 0.0 km/h  Humidity: 97%
 Wind Bearing:  Rainfall Today: 0.0 mm
 Barometer: 1010.13 hPa  Last rainfall: 2025-02-08 10:23

Pattaya Climate

The climate of Pattaya can be divided into 3 main seasons: the cool, hot and rainy seasons. The cool season extends from November to February. At this time of the year the temperatures are moderate and it is dry. Due to the weather conditions this is the peak tourist season.

By mid March the temperatures are on the rise and the hot season starts. At this time of the year the temperatures are uncomfortably hot and the humidity is high. Due to the humidity the temperatures feel much hotter than the average maximum of 33 degrees Celsius. Towards the end of April and the start of May there is some rain to bring a little respite.

June through to October is the wet season. The temperatures moderate a little from the hot season and there are many wet days. September and October are the wettest months. A Pattaya wet season would not be normal unless there was more than one period of local flooding at this time of the year.

The table below shows the long term climate averages for Pattaya. Then under the table is the same data plotted on graphs. The final 3 graphs display the data for the current year.

Month Ave high °C Ave low °C Rain mm Ave high °F Ave low °F Rain in
Jan 30.7 23.0 13.7 87.3 73.4 0.539
Feb 31.0 24.3 12.0 87.8 75.7 0.472
Mar 31.8 25.4 52.5 89.2 77.7 2.067
Apr 32.9 26.4 61.6 91.2 79.5 2.425
May 32.4 26.5 154.6 90.3 79.7 6.087
Jun 31.6 26.5 149.9 88.9 79.7 5.902
Jul 31.3 26.0 87.0 88.3 78.8 3.425
Aug 31.1 26.0 98.6 88.0 78.8 3.882
Sep 31.0 25.1 217.1 87.8 77.2 8.547
Oct 30.6 24.2 242.6 87.1 75.6 9.551
Nov 30.4 23.4 82.8 86.7 74.1 3.26
Dec 29.9 22.2 6.4 85.8 72.0 0.252
Year 31.23 24.92 1 178.8 88.21 76.85 46.409


Historical Average Monthly Temperature

Pattaya temperature

Historical Average Monthly Rainfall

Pattaya rainfall

Recorded Average Monthly Temperature for Current Year (Celius)

Recorded Pattaya temperatures

Recorded Monthly Rainfall for Current Year (mm)

Recorded Pattaya rainfall

Cummulative Rainfall and Monthly Wet Days

The red line is the average rainfall. Blue line is the current year rainfall and the orange columns are the number of days with rain for each month

Accumulated Pattaya rainfall and wet days


For temperature and rainfall data from previous years see the Historical Weather Statistics page.


Monthly totals updated soon after the end of each month