Pattaya Weather

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Pattaya Weather Station

Welcome to the Pattaya Weather Station. The station is located near to Pattaya.

The weather station being used is a Davis Vantage Pro 2, and these pages are updated every 15 minutes. The meteorological day used ends at midnight.

For full historical data use the links at the bottom of the page

Weather Station Location: Latitude N 12° 55' 34" Longitude E 100° 54' 42" Elevation 20 m

Forecast: Occasional precipitation, worsening

 Details for today (08 October 2024)
 Dawn:  05:45  Sun Rise:  06:06  Moonrise:  10:26
 Dusk:  18:23  Sunset:  18:02  Moonset:  21:54
 Daylight:  12:38  Day Length:  11:56  Moon Phase:  Waxing Crescent


Conditions at local time 16:30 on 08 October 2024
 Temperature and Humidity
 Temperature: 32.3 °C  Dew Point: 26.6 °C
 Windchill: 32.3 °C  Humidity: 72%
 Heat Index: 42.1 °C  Apparent Temperature: 39.6 °C
 Rainfall Today: 0.2 mm  Rainfall Rate: 0.0 mm/hr
 Rainfall This Month 50.8 mm  Rainfall This Year: 873.4 mm
 Rainfall Last Hour: 0.0 mm  Last rainfall: 2024-10-08 05:14
 Wind Speed (gust) 9.7 km/h  Wind Speed (avg): 0.7 km/h
 Wind Bearing: 250° WSW  Beaufort F0: Calm
 Barometer: 1008.10 hPa Falling -0.51 hPa/hr


Now -- Trend Graphs --Today -- Yesterday -- This Month -- This Year -- Records


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